The Libertarian Angle
Trump's Cabinet Picks, Part 2

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about the choices that president-elect Donald Trump has been making for his cabinet.

Direct download: 2016-12-14_LA_Trump_Cabinet_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:45am EST

Trump's Cabinet Picks

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about the choices that president-elect Donald Trump has been making for his cabinet.

Direct download: 2016-12-07_Trumps_Cabinet.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:14am EST

The Death of Fidel Castro

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the impact of Fidel Castro’s death on the future of Cuba and Cuban-American relations.

Direct download: 2016-11-30_Death_of_Fidel_Castro.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:26am EST

Democracy versus Freedom

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about freedom and its relationship to democracy.

Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about the trade policy of president-elect Donald Trump.

Direct download: 2016-11-17_Trump_on_Trade.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:16pm EST

The Trump Revolution

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about the surprising results of the recent U.S. presidential election.

Direct download: 2016-11-10_LA_The_Trump_Revolution.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:10pm EST

The Principlef Socialim

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the moral and practical failings of socialism.

Direct download: 2016-11-03_LA_Principles_of_Socialism.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:21pm EST

The Philippines Divorces the U.S.

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the recent actions of Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte in denouncing the role of the U.S. in Philippines' history and severing ties with the U.S. military.

Direct download: 2016-10-26_LA_Philippines_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:54pm EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss how a firm understanding of Austrian Economics helps one to understand the folly of current public policy.

Direct download: 2016-10-19_LA_The_Importance_of_Austrian_Economics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:30am EST

The Second Presidential Debate

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about the second presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.

Direct download: 2016-10-12_LA_The_Second_Presidential_Debate.mp3
Category:libertarianism -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

Millennial Support for Gary Johnson

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss how younger voters are supporting Libertarian presidential nominee Gary Johnson.

Direct download: 2016-10-05_LA_Millennials_Gary_Johnson.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm EST

Presidential Debate Follies

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the recent presidential debates.

Direct download: 2016-09-28_Presidential_Debate_Follies.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm EST

The Libertarian Angle: The 9-11 Attacks

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 2001.

Direct download: 2016-09-14_Libertarian_Angle_Podcast.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:54pm EST

Obamacare in Crisis

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the disaster that is Obamacare.

Direct download: 2016-08-31_the_libertarian_angle_obamacare_in_crisis_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:52am EST

The Libertarian Angle: Trump's Income Tax Returns

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the relevance of Donald Trump's tax returns.

Direct download: 2016-08-24_the_libertarian_angle_trump_39_s_income_tax_returns_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the impact that a Trump or Clinton presidency would have on the economy.

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling recap their recent visit to FreedomFest in Las Vegas.

Direct download: 2016-07-30_the_libertarian_angle_fff_39_s_freedomfest_panels_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:30pm EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the recent shootings in Dallas, Texas.

Direct download: 2016-07-13_the_libertarian_angle_the_shootings_in_dallas_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:20pm EST

Independence Day

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about Independence Day!

Direct download: 2016-07-06_the_libertarian_angle_independence_day_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm EST

The Brexit Vote

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about Britain’s vote to exit from the European Union.

Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm EST

The Fed and the 2008 Housing Crash

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talk about the disastrous policies of the Federal Reserve.

The Johnson-Weld Ticket

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling dissect the presidential ticket for the Libertarian Party and its impact on the future of the libertarian movement.

Direct download: 2016-06-14_the_libertarian_angle_the_johnson_weld_ticket_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:08pm EST

The Interventionism of the Two World Wars, Part 5

In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling continue their discussion about the horrible results stemming from the foreign policy interventions of World War I and World War II.

The Interventionism of Two World Wars, Part 4

In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling continue their discussion about the horrible results stemming from the foreign policy interventions of World War I and World War II.

The Interventionism of the Two World Wars, Part 1

In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss the horrible results stemming from the foreign policy interventions of World War I and World War II.

The Interventionism of Two World Wars, Part 3

In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling continue their discussion about the horrible results stemming from the foreign policy interventions of World War I and World War II.

The Interventionism of Two World Wars, Part 2

In this segment, Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling continue their discussion about the horrible results stemming from the foreign policy interventions of World War I and World War II.

The Socialism of Public Housing

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the immorality of public housing.

Direct download: 2016-04-26_libertarian_angle_the_socialism_of_public_housing_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EST

Abolish the Income Tax

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger explore the evil that is the income tax.

Direct download: libertarian_angle_abolish_the_income_tax_youtub2016-04-21_e.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41pm EST

Abolish the Fed

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the why free trade is pragmatically a boon to civilization and ethically the only moral result when you allow people to live in freedom.

Direct download: 2016-04-05_the_libertarian_angle_abolish_the_fed_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59am EST

The Virtues of Free Trade

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the why free trade is pragmatically a boon to civilization and ethically the only moral result when you allow people to live in freedom.

Direct download: 2016-03-29_the_libertarian_angle_the_virtues_of_free_trade_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:20pm EST

Why People Are Supporting Trump

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the Republican primaries and why candidate Donald Trump is appealing to so many voters.

Direct download: 2016-03-22_libertarian_angle_why_people_are_supporting_trump_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:42am EST

Economic Fascism

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the principles of fascism, the administration of FDR, and corporatism.

Go to the podcast

Direct download: 2016-03-15_the_libertarian_angle_economic_fascism_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:27am EST

History of Economic Thought, Part 8

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions.

History of Economic Thought, Part 7

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions.

: History of Economic Thought, Part 4

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions.

: History of Economic Thought, Part 3

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions.

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions.

Libertarian Angle: History of Economic Thought, Part 5

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the rise of the Austrian school of economic thought and its contributions

Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling discuss the hot topics of the day. This week, Jacob and Richard, and special guest Bryan Caplan discuss the merits and morality of an open immigration policy.

Direct download: 2016-01-26_the_libertarian_angle_the_case_for_open_immigration_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:33am EST

Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling discuss the hot topics of the day. This week, Jacob and  Richard continue thei review the early history of economics from Adam Smith through David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill.

Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling discuss the hot topics of the day. This week, Jacob and  Richard review the early history of economics from Adam Smith through David Ricardo and John Stuart Mill.

The Libertarian Angle airs weekly.

Direct download: 2016-01-13_the_libertarian_angle_history_of_economic_thought_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:09pm EST

Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard M. Ebeling discuss the hot topics of the day. This week, Jacob and  Richard review the candidates for the upcoming presidential election.

The Libertarian Angle airs weekly.