The Libertarian Angle
The Socialism of Public Housing

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the immorality of public housing.

Direct download: 2016-04-26_libertarian_angle_the_socialism_of_public_housing_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:46pm EDT

Abolish the Income Tax

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger explore the evil that is the income tax.

Direct download: libertarian_angle_abolish_the_income_tax_youtub2016-04-21_e.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:41pm EDT

Abolish the Fed

In this segment, Richard Ebeling and Jacob Hornberger discuss the why free trade is pragmatically a boon to civilization and ethically the only moral result when you allow people to live in freedom.

Direct download: 2016-04-05_the_libertarian_angle_abolish_the_fed_youtube.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:59am EDT