The Libertarian Angle

A majority of millennials approve of socialism, and progressives are gaining more influence with every election. What does this portend for our country and for individual liberty? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeing discuss continue their discussion on the effects of socialism on society and individual liberty.

Direct download: 2019-12-24_LA_Socialism_6.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:52am EST

A majority of millennials approve of socialism, and progressives are gaining more influence with every election. What does this portend for our country and for individual liberty? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeing discuss continue their discussion on the effects of socialism on society and individual liberty.

Direct download: 2019-12-18_LA_Socialism_5.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:50am EST

A majority of millennials approve of socialism, and progressives are gaining more influence with every election. What does this portend for our country and for individual liberty? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeing discuss continue their discussion on the effects of socialism on society and individual liberty.

Direct download: 20191204_LA_Socialism_3_Audi.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:46am EST

A majority of millennials approve of socialism, and progressives are gaining more influence with every election. What does this portend for our country and for individual liberty? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeing discuss continue their discussion on the effects of socialism on society and individual liberty.

Direct download: 2019-11-20_LA_Socialism_2_Audio_Second.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:26pm EST

Special guest Bryan Caplan, Professor of Economics at George Mason University, joins Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling to discuss his new graphic novel Open Borders.

Direct download: 2019-11-06_Open_Borders_Audio.mp4
Category:general -- posted at: 12:52pm EST

A majority of millennials approve of socialism, and progressives are gaining more influence with every election. What does this portend for our country and for individual liberty? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeing discuss.

Direct download: 2019-10-30_LA_Socialism_audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:55pm EST

With the recent “gaffe” by an executive at the NBA’s Houston Rockets and the ensuing response from China, how does the notion of free speech apply? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-10-16_LA_China_NBA_audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:16pm EST

The federal government has now pushed the federal debt past $22 trillion. A limited government republic does not behave in this way, and threatens the very liberty of the citizenry. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-10-09_Federal_Debt_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:34pm EST

Richard Ebeling, Citadel professor and former Vice President of Academic Affairs for The Future of Freedom Foundation, discusses his discovery of libertarianism and his life as an Austrian economist.

Direct download: 2019-10-02_Ebeling_Discovery_audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:05pm EST

The United States military has been active in Afghanistan for over 18 years. Why are we there in the first place? Why are are we still there and should we? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor and Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-09-13_LA_Afghanistan_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:44pm EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling talking about deficit spending, the inverted yield curve, and monetary polcy.

Direct download: 2019-08-22_LA_Recession_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:10am EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss the recent shootings in El Paso and Dayton.

Direct download: 2019-08-06_LA_Mass_Killings_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:03pm EST

How high can the debt ceiling go? How much can Congress spend? Both seem limitless. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-08-01_LA_Fiscal_Policy_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:38pm EST

Government and schooling--what could go wrong? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss the busing programs of the 1960s.

Direct download: 2019-07-16_LA_Busing.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:37am EST

Socialism is growing in popularity with the young. One socialist society has failed after the other, and yet socialism retains respect. Why? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-07-10_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:13pm EST

What did the American Revolution signify? What tenets of a free society are enshrined in The Declaration of Independence? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-07-03_LA_July_4_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:29am EST

Are barriers to both immigration and trade the hallmarks of a free society? Do the make the citizens of The United States better off? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-06-12_Mexico_Trade_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:07pm EST

Does the first amendment protect journalists or people? Is the Espionage Act suitable for a free society? FFF president Jacob G. Horngberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling answer these questions and more.

Direct download: 2019-06-04_LA_Assange_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:33am EST

Could World War II have been avoided? How did foreign policy decisions create the conditions that set it in motion? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-05-10_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:18pm EST

America should never have gotten involved in World War I, and powers assumed by the government during that war haunt is till this day. FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-04-30_LA_WWI_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:41am EST

Sanctions and embargoes do more to hurt the citizens in a country than the government that these policies are trying to punish. Should a libertarian support such policies? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-04-23_LA_Sanctions_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:58am EST

Taxation is theft, there is no getting around it. But the income tax in particular has had a particularly galling effect onf the liberty of all Americans. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-04-19_LA_Income_Tax_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:51am EST

Is democracy the goal of politics? Are freedom and democracy one and the same? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-04-09_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:53am EST

Is there a way to end poverty? Actually, much poverty has already been eliminated. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard M. Ebeling tell you how.

Direct download: 2019-04-05_LA_Poverty_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:53am EST

The national debt keeps going up and the federal budget keeps running in the red. Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-03-19_LA_Debt_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:02am EST

Free trade is the most efficient system of resource distribution yet discovered, but more importantly, it is moral and a key feature of the free society. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel economics professor Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-03-12_LA_Free_Trade_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:10am EST

Would the free market allocate money as efficiently as other goods? Of course! FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Citadel economics professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-03-06_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:18pm EST

Possession of firearms does not guarantee freedom, but it certainly doesn't hurt. The leaders of Venezuela surely understand this. FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Citadel professor Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-02-27_LA_Venezuela_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:05am EST

With the New Green Deal a hot topic, we thought it would be time again to take stock again of the the original New Deal meant for this country. FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-02-19_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:48pm EST

With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pushing a New Green Deal, the time might be ripe to examine the track history of socialist societies. Jacob G. Hornberger and Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-02-13_LA_Socialism_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:29am EST

With the ascent of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, socialism is experiencing a resurgence in the United States. What does this mean for libertarianism and what does it mean for a free society? FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-01-24_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:03am EST

What happens when you have a raging drug war and an escalating trade war? Declining freedom for everyone. FFF president Jacob G. Hornberger and Professor Richard M. Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-01-17_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:24am EST

FFF president Jacob Hornberger and Richard Ebeling, professor at The Citadel, discuss the ongoing political tussle over the border wall and the ensuing government shutdown.

Direct download: 2019-01-10_LA_Immigration.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:51pm EST

President Donald Trump has called for the withdrawal of the U.S. military from Syria. While libertarians should laud such a move, what is really going on here? Can we really expect the U.S. military to completely withdraw from an area of the Middle East that it has been trying to influence for so long? FFF president Jacob Hornberger and economics Richard Ebeling discuss.

Direct download: 2019-01-02_LA_Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:17pm EST